Rhino Licenses For Home Use

Rhino 3dwww.rhino3d.com/download

We do have a pool of Rhino licenses that can be used on home machines / laptops outside the Uni. This will work on both the PC and Mac versions of Rhino 8.

To install first download the latest Windows or Mac version here


On first run you will need to license the software via a login – use your short userID@gre.ac.uk (do not use “@greenwich”), e.g. ab123@gre.ac.uk

This will take you to the Uni login pages for validation and MFA authorisation – and then back to Rhino

Keep an eye on all the userID logins – and ensure that they are all the same Uni shortID@gre.ac.uk; if you’ve used Rhino before as a trial then an older existing user account might automatically fill in here and stop the license validation going through properly.

Printing to MFD from PC

It is possible to configure your own machine to print directly to the University MFD devices. This means you can send from any application on your PC / MacBook straight to a printer – and then swipe your card on any MFD to release and print the job.

  • You do not have to be on site to send the job – just to swipe / release it on the MFD
  • You will only be charged once you have selected print+delete on the MFD
  • If you do not release / print your job within 12 hours it will automatically delete
  • This setup will NOT work for the plotters – this is just the A3/A4 MFD machines.

This is a very useful facility but it does need some time to set it up.

Step ONE: Install the driver for this printer on your PC

Unless you have a University issued staff PC you will need to install the driver software for this printer before adding it:

  • Visit the Canon website and search for Generic Plus PCL6 Printer Driver for Windows 11.
  • Download the file and install onto your machine
Step TWO: Get the information needed to point at the Uni system

Visit the Uni Greenprint website at GreenPrint.gre.ac.uk

Login with your short user ID – but do not put @gre.ac.uk after the username; so for example ab123c (not ab123c@gre.ac.uk)

Once you have successfully logged in then you need to click through these links:

  • Driver Print
  • Windows (the Windows icon)
  • Advanced
  • Continue
  • Greenwich – MFD

Then scroll down to point 4 – you need to copy the text that is next to Queue; note it won’t be the same as in this illustration because it is unique to each user ID.

Copy the part that starts : ipp/r/ba0d32………

Step THREE: Add the printer to your machine

Type printers in the Windows Search field and select Printers & Scanners

Select Add device

Wait a few seconds and then choose Add Manually

Choose Select a shared printer by name

Paste into here the long queue name from the webprint page; e.g. the text that begins : ipp/r/ba0d32………

Hit next and when prompted Select Canon for manufacturer and Canon Generic Plus PCL6 for printer, and press OK

Hit OK to select this printer.

Now this printer will be in your list of printers that you can send to. File – Print from any application and choose this printer then when you swipe your card on any MFD it will show on the panel and allow you to release it for printing.

If you need to add more credit to your print account visit PrintCredit.gre.ac.uk and follow the instructions to add via credit / debit card

Printing to MFD from MAC

It is possible to configure your own machine to print directly to the University MFD devices. This means you can send from any application on your PC / MacBook straight to a printer – and then swipe your card on any MFD to release and print the job.

  • You do not have to be on site to send the job – just to swipe / release it on the MFD
  • You will only be charged once you have selected print+delete on the MFD
  • If you do not release / print your job within 12 hours it will automatically delete
  • This setup will NOT work for the plotters – this is just the A3/A4 MFD machines.

This is a very useful facility but it does need some time to set it up.

Step ONE: Download and install the printer drivers to your Mac:

Visit the Canon website and look for the device driver for a Canon Imagerunner Advance 5540 – (type in 5540iii into the search field)

Look for the “UFR II/UFRII LT Printer Driver & Utilities for Mac” and click the DOWNLOAD button for that section. This will download the software for communicating with that type of printer.

Once it has downloaded then double click on the “UFRII-LIPSLX-v101920-04” file and follow all the prompts to install onto your machine.

Step TWO: Get the information needed to point at the Uni system

Visit the Uni Greenprint website at GreenPrint.gre.ac.uk

Login with your short user ID – but do not put @gre.ac.uk after the username; so for example ab123c (not ab123c@gre.ac.uk)

Once you have successfully logged in then you need to click through these links:

  • Driver Print
  • Mac (the Mac icon)
  • Advanced
  • Continue
  • Greenwich – MFD

Then scroll down to point 4 – you need to copy the text that is next to Queue; note it won’t be the same as in this illustration because it is unique to each user ID.

Copy the part that starts : ipp/r/ba0d32………

Step THREE: Add the printer to your machine

On your own Mac go to system preferences and look for

  • Printers and scanners (the look and location of these might vary according to which MacOS you are using)
  • Add Printer, Scanner or Fax
  • Select the globe icon in the middle (IP Printer)

In the boxes that show up now, fill these out

  • Address: webprint.gre.ac.uk:631
  • Protocol: Internet Printing Protocol – IPP
  • Queue: the long text you copied from the webpage – similar to ipp/r/baq394eq34q
  • Name: Uni Webprint (or whatever you want to call it)
  • Location : Any Uni MFD
  • Use: drag down to Select Software – this will open up a new printer list

Look in this list for Canon Imagerunner 5540iii (you can type 5540 in the filter box to narrow it down)

Select this printer and allow it to add it to your system.

Once this printer is now installed you can print to it from any application on your machine by selecting it from the Printer list in the print window.

You can also alter some of the print settings like 2 sided, borders, scale to fit etc. if you need to (and save these as your own presets).

Once you have pressed print then the job will be sent to the printer – waiting for you to swipe your card to release it.

If you need to add more credit to your print account visit PrintCredit.gre.ac.uk and follow the instructions to add via credit / debit card

Design Studios: Academic Year 2024-2025

Design Studios : Term Time Access
  • Monday – Friday: 8AM – Midnight
  • Weekends / BH : 9AM – 9PM
  • Fire exit routes shown in grey

Workshop: Term Time Access
  • Monday: 12:30 – 17:30
  • Tuesday – Friday: 09:30 – 17:30
  • First Monday of the Month : Closed
  • Workshop capacity: maximum 20 users
  • Group (10+ students) access must be booked in advanced. See the workshop page for further details.
Christmas Closure 2024
  • Teaching ends: Friday 13th December
  • Building 11 Closes: Friday 20th December
  • Building 11 Re-opens: Thursday 2ndJanuary
  • Workshop Closes: Friday 13th December
  • Workshop Reopens: Tuesday 7th January
  • Teaching Recommences: Monday 13th January

Studio Code of Conduct :
  • Do not disturb other tutorials / classes / crits by walking through them or being unduly loud near them.
  • Portfolios and models should be left tidily in the racks / shelves / cages provided – with your name attached.  Items left lying around will be moved to the portfolio racks or CritPit portfolio shelves.  Long-term unclaimed items will be disposed of.
  • No spray mounting / spray painting / soldering anywhere in the studio – this can be done in the workshop; there are dedicated spray booths there.
  • Hot works, naked flames, large scale sawing and other hazardous activities are not permitted – if in any doubt consult tech staff first.
  • Do not stand on chairs or tables to reach higher places – use only the kicker stools or step ladders provided.  Studio furniture must not be taken away from the first floor.
  • No small electrical items such as KETTLES, TOASTERS, MICROWAVE OVENS – these will be confiscated by security.
  • Hot take-away style food should NOT to be consumed at the computers or within the computing areas. Smelly food is also NOT acceptable in the studio when it affects those around you.
  • Please report building issues such as leaks, power problems, suspicious behaviour and other hazards to a member of staff or FM helpdesk
  • Stockwell Street Reception security personnel are First Aid trained; in the event that such attention is needed contact / inform front desk reception.
  • Take responsibility for YOUR studio by clearing up after yourselves; the cleaners can’t clean the floor if they can’t see it.  There are bins and brooms around the studio – please use them.
  • Please ensure to maintain a respectful and professional work culture in line with the University of Greenwich’s ethos of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusivity. As a student of the University of Greenwich you have all committed to the Students’ Charter a community founded on mutual tolerance and respect. 
Studio Operation
  • The studio walls / tables will be reset to the default layout each weekday morning.  Classes have priority for use of walls and furniture – only take tables and chairs after classes have started and only if they are not being used by those classes.
  • Exercise caution when moving any large walls/dividers/tables; check for obstructions, open floor boxes, etc. in the path of moving furniture.
  • Student Studio Assistants – identified by “SUPPORT STAFF” shirts – are on duty to offer assistance with computing / printing / studio activities during core hours.

Building 11 Summer Opening Hours

Building 11 Summer Opening Hours

Monday – Friday: 8AM – 9PM

Sat / Sun: 9AM – 7PM

Workshop Access: by Arrangement

For continuing students / resubmissions, please email s.a.sheard@gre.ac.uk

Show Takedown:

July 1st -14th Students to take down / collect own work

July 15th – 19th: Any remaining work deinstalled by tech team and placed in collection areas

All unclaimed portfolios to be moved to first floor racks

– This includes work coming out of submissions

WORKSHOP: Please label any models to be retained for next academic year.

July 22nd – 31st: Contractor wall breakdown / studio rebuild / repaint

September 6th: Deadline for collection of exhibition work. 

Any work / models remaining in collection areas will be disposed / recycled

WORKSHOP: Any unclaimed / unlabelled models will be disposed / recycled  

October 7th: Deadline for collection of portfolios.

Any portfolios still unclaimed will be emptied and recycled.

If you anticipate difficulty with collecting items then please mail DesignStudios@gre.ac.uk

Summer 2024 Schedule

Building 11 Summer Opening Hours

  • Monday – Friday: 8AM – 9PM
  • Sat / Sun: 9AM – 7PM

Workshop Access: by Arrangement

For continuing students / resubmissions, please email s.a.sheard@gre.ac.uk

Show Takedown:

July 1st -14th
Students to take down / collect own work

July 15th – 19th:
Any remaining work deinstalled by tech team and placed in collection areas
All unclaimed portfolios to be moved to first floor racks
– This includes work coming out of submissions
WORKSHOP: Please label any models to be retained for next academic year.

July 22nd – 31st:
Contractor wall breakdown / studio rebuild / repaint

September 6th:
Deadline for collection of exhibition work. 
Any work / models remaining in collection areas will be disposed / recycled
WORKSHOP: Any unclaimed / unlabelled models will be disposed / recycled  

October 7th:
Deadline for collection of portfolios.
Any portfolios still unclaimed will be emptied and recycled.

If you anticipate difficulty with collecting items then please mail DesignStudios@gre.ac.uk

Building Opening Times – Submissions / Show 2024

22nd April | 24 Hour Opening (Monday)

2nd May | 24 Hour Opening (Thursday)

6th May | Bank Holiday

6th May | 24 Hour Opening (Monday)

12th May | 24 Hour Opening (Sunday)

20th May – 24th May | Contractors Fit out STUDIOS 1001-1006

20th May | 24 Hour Opening – Monday

27th May | Bank Holiday

28th May – 31st  May | Contractors Fit out STUDIOS 1010-1020

28th May – 31st  May | Graphics STUDENT Installs – STUDIOS 1001-1006

3rd- 5th June | Media and Animation MARKING 

3rd- 7th June |   Architecture and Landscape STUDENT install 

1st July – 14th July(2 Weeks) | Students take down / collect exhibition work

15th –  19th July (1 Week) | Tech Team takes down and stores any remaining work

22nd  – 26 July (1 Week) | Contractors take down / make good studio walls 

1 July | Summer School

23rd September (Term Start) | Deadline for collection of models.  Any models still remaining in studio on this date will be disposed / recycled

7th October | Deadline for collection of portfolios. Any portfolios still remaining in studio on this date will be disposed / recycled


  • Keep your Student ID card with you at all times – security are tasked with spotting intruders: help them out by demonstrating your Uni credentials.
  • Don’t let non-Uni people in the building or lend out your card (ditto).
  • If you spot suspicious activity let security know so they can investigate and take action.
  • Be considerate to one another – playing loud music, being rowdy, having messy smelly food; these can be causes of distress to already an already stressed group. Security will challenge poor behaviour – please cooperate for the benefit of all studio users.

Easter Opening Times

Please find opening times for Library and Building 11 this Easter; note these differ slightly between buildings:

Easter WeekendStockwell Street LibraryBuilding 11 / Studios
Friday 29 March11 am to 7 pm9AM – 10PM
Saturday 30 March11 am to 7 pm9AM – 10PM
Sunday 31 March11 am to 7 pm9AM – 10PM
Monday 1 April11 am to 7 pm9AM – 10PM

Bank HolidaysStockwell Street LibraryBuilding 11 / Studios
Monday 6th May*11 am to 7 pm9AM – Midnight
Monday 27th MayClosed8AM – 8PM
Monday 26th AugustClosedClosed

The library will be operating 24 / 4 from the 8th – 17th May (Monday to Thursday) however building 11 will remain at midnight closing except on those particular days preceding large submissions (tba).

The workshop will be closed over the easter break on the Mon / Fri Easter bank holidays, and also Wednesday 10th – Wednesday 17th April inclusive.

Design Studios: Academic Year 2023-2024

Please be considerate, safe and respectful of other users when using the Design Studios by observing the following rules:

The studio walls / tables will be reset to the default layout each weekday morning.  Classes have priority for use of walls and furniture – only take tables and chairs after classes have started and only if they are not being used by those classes.

Exercise caution when moving the large walls/dividers/tables; check for obstructions, open floor boxes, etc. in the path of moving furniture.

No spray mounting / spray painting / soldering anywhere in the studio – this can be done in the workshop; there are dedicated spray booths there.

Do not stand on tables or chairs to reach higher places – use only the kicker stools or step ladders provided.  Studio furniture must not be taken away from the first floor.

Do not disturb other tutorials / classes / crits by walking through them or being unduly loud near them.

Portfolios and models should be left tidily in the racks / shelves / cages provided – with your name attached.  Items left lying around will be moved to the portfolio racks or CritPit portfolio shelves.  Long-term unclaimed items will be disposed of.

No small electrical items such as KETTLES, TOASTERS, MICROWAVE OVENS, HEATERS – these will be confiscated.

Hot food should NOT to be consumed at the computers or within the computing areas. Smelly food is also NOT acceptable in the studio when it affects those around you.

Please report building issues such as leaks, power problems, suspicious behaviour and other hazards to a member of staff or FM helpdesk

Student Studio Assistants – identified by “SUPPORT STAFF” shirts – are on duty to offer assistance with computing / printing / studio activities during core hours.

Stockwell Street Reception security personnel are First Aid trained; in the event that such attention is needed contact / inform front desk reception.

Take responsibility for YOUR studio by clearing up after yourselves; the cleaners can’t clean the floor if they can’t see it.  There are bins and brooms around the studio – please use them.

Key Contacts

Stockwell Street Reception / Security : 020 83318429 / 020 83318451

FM Helpdesk : FMHelpdesk@gre.ac.uk
Technical Support : DesignStudios@gre.ac.uk

Post Graduate Show Collection of Work

From the Monday 3rd July the show will be over and you may collect your work. 

Here is the timetable for dismantling:

3rd July : 2 WEEKS : Students take down / collect exhibition work

17th July : 1 WEEK : Tech Team takes down and stores any remaining work in a collection point beside the crit-pit [these will remain until September]. There will be a separate collection point specifically for portfolios.

24th July : 1 WEEK : Contractors take down / make good studio walls

11 September (Term Start) | Deadline for collection of work / models. Any models still remaining in the studio collection point on this date will be disposed / recycled.

2nd October | Deadline for collection of portfolios. Any portfolios still remaining in studio on this date will be disposed / recycled.

This includes items left in the computer areas and the surrounding cupboards and the open areas up on the second floor.

If you anticipate any problems with collecting your work then please get in contact with Francis ahead of any of these deadlines.

Building 11 Design Studios Summer Opening times:

Monday to Friday: 8.00AM – 9.00PM

Weekends: 9:00AM – 7.00PM

August Bank Holiday: Closed

Workshop Closed Days:

July: 28
Aug: 4, 8, 9, 11, 17 closed from 1pm, 18, 21 open at 2pm, 24, 25, 28 bank holiday, 31
Sep: 1 closed from 1pm