The Stockwell Street Crit Pit (and surrounding studios) are used by the School for timetabled teaching / tutorials / crits, etc. and outside those specific timetabled session for students’ regular study and studio activities
Use of the first-floor studio Crit Pit for events external to the School is subject to the following conditions:
Equipment, technical support, production of posters etc. to be supplied by event organisers themselves (unless prior arrangement and agreement is in place).
Any special furniture particulars must be arranged with porters / EFM.
Provision for setting up before the event and clearing up after must be factored in and booked via room timetabling to ensure regular academic activities are not disrupted; e.g. delivery and storage of event material, removal of furniture, wine glasses, event posters, etc.
Event to be confined to booked space and not to interfere or impede other studio / teaching activities – including restrictions to prevent intrusion into other spaces.
Events requiring the use of sound broadcast from PA / speakers to take place after 6PM only. Special dispensation for sound events at other times only by FOO.
Any events taking place must be suitably risk assessed by the organising Dept./Faculty in line with H&S policy and with particular reference to issues such as fire safety, numbers of attendees and means of escape from the area. Further guidance on undertaking Risk Assessments is available on the HSS pages on the Portal.