Landscape Living Wall

Landscape Living Wall:  S11 Building First Floor Studios

Stockwell Street has a “Very Large Internal Living Wall “ in the studios; installed on June 12 2016.  It was donated and installed by NEMEC Cascade Garden, a company from the Czech Republic and is used for research and teaching purposes.

It is well documented that indoor plants improve air quality and the well-being of people especially in the work place. The living wall enables testing of a variety of plants for suitability, and their effects on air quality and noise – as well as people’s attitudes to living walls.

The planting design was done by Shelley Mosco (an A&L staff member who has designed numerous living walls across the UK and internationally) and many landscape and architecture students helped with the installation.

 A visit to the wall is included in the monthly tour of the Stockwell Street roofs by Benz Kotzen.

  • Size: 20m(4 metres tall x 5 metres wide.)
  • System Type: Modular, regular horticultural compost with added vermiculite.
  • Irrigation: Automatic top up system. Approximate daily water usage 0.1 litre / per square meter, thus 2 litres per day
  • Lighting: Horticultural halogen / red & blue spectrum.
  • Plants: There are approximately 700 plants; 17 different plant species.


Scientific Name Common Name
*Aglaonema ‘Butterfly’ Chinese evergreen ‘Butterfly’
Alocasia ‘Polly’ Elephant’s ear / African mask
*Anthurium andraeanum ‘Almera Rood’ Flamingo flower
Asplenium nidus Bird’s nest fern
*Chamaedorea elegans Dwarf mountain palm
*Chlorophytum capense ‘Green’ Spider plant
Cissus alata ‘Ellen Danica’  Grape ivy ‘Ellen Danica’
Coffea arabica Arabica coffee
Maranta leuconeura var erythroneura Prayer plant
Peperomia caperata ‘Rosso’ Radiator plant ‘Rosso’
Peperomia rotundifolia var. rotundifolia Creeping buttons
*Philodendron scandens Heartleaf philodendron
Polystichum tsussimense Korean rock fern
*Spathiphyllum ‘Alana’ Peace lily
Stromanthe ‘Horticolor’ Prayer plant ‘Horticolor’
Tradescantia zebrina Silver inch plant
Zamioculcas zamiifolia ZZ plant

* Plants which remove significant amounts of toxins from the air, such as benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene, toluene and ammonia. 

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