Printing to MFD from MAC

It is possible to configure your own machine to print directly to the University MFD devices. This means you can send from any application on your PC / MacBook straight to a printer – and then swipe your card on any MFD to release and print the job.

  • You do not have to be on site to send the job – just to swipe / release it on the MFD
  • You will only be charged once you have selected print+delete on the MFD
  • If you do not release / print your job within 12 hours it will automatically delete
  • This setup will NOT work for the plotters – this is just the A3/A4 MFD machines.

This is a very useful facility but it does need some time to set it up.

Step ONE: Download and install the printer drivers to your Mac:

Visit the Canon website and look for the device driver for a Canon Imagerunner Advance 5540 – (type in 5540iii into the search field)

Look for the “UFR II/UFRII LT Printer Driver & Utilities for Mac” and click the DOWNLOAD button for that section. This will download the software for communicating with that type of printer.

Once it has downloaded then double click on the “UFRII-LIPSLX-v101920-04” file and follow all the prompts to install onto your machine.

Step TWO: Get the information needed to point at the Uni system

Visit the Uni Greenprint website at

Login with your short user ID – but do not put after the username; so for example ab123c (not

Once you have successfully logged in then you need to click through these links:

  • Driver Print
  • Mac (the Mac icon)
  • Advanced
  • Continue
  • Greenwich – MFD

Then scroll down to point 4 – you need to copy the text that is next to Queue; note it won’t be the same as in this illustration because it is unique to each user ID.

Copy the part that starts : ipp/r/ba0d32………

Step THREE: Add the printer to your machine

On your own Mac go to system preferences and look for

  • Printers and scanners (the look and location of these might vary according to which MacOS you are using)
  • Add Printer, Scanner or Fax
  • Select the globe icon in the middle (IP Printer)

In the boxes that show up now, fill these out

  • Address:
  • Protocol: Internet Printing Protocol – IPP
  • Queue: the long text you copied from the webpage – similar to ipp/r/baq394eq34q
  • Name: Uni Webprint (or whatever you want to call it)
  • Location : Any Uni MFD
  • Use: drag down to Select Software – this will open up a new printer list

Look in this list for Canon Imagerunner 5540iii (you can type 5540 in the filter box to narrow it down)

Select this printer and allow it to add it to your system.

Once this printer is now installed you can print to it from any application on your machine by selecting it from the Printer list in the print window.

You can also alter some of the print settings like 2 sided, borders, scale to fit etc. if you need to (and save these as your own presets).

Once you have pressed print then the job will be sent to the printer – waiting for you to swipe your card to release it.

If you need to add more credit to your print account visit and follow the instructions to add via credit / debit card

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