Earlier Building 11 Opening hours from March 27th – May 19th : 6.00AM to 12 Midnight
Monday 8th May (before final year Architecture / Landscape final submissions) will be overnight opening
There will be NO ACCESS TO STUDIOS on day of opening – all setup must be completed by midnight of the 14th June
4th April | BA Architecture Year ONE Submission
4th April | MArch DR Submission
5th April | BA Graphics Year TWO Submission
6th April | BA Graphics and Animation Year ONE Submission
25th April | BA Architecture Year TWO Submission
1st May | Bank Holiday
4th May | Contractors make good studios 1-6 for 2nd Year Graphics Show
8th May | Bank Holiday
9th May | BA Architecture Year THREE Submission
9th May | BA / MA / MLA Landscape Submission
9th-11th May | 2nd Year Graphics Show Setup 1001 – 1006
12th - 17th May | 2nd Year Graphics Show
10th May | MA Architecture Submission
22nd May – 2nd June | Contractors Fit out for Graduate Show
29th May | Bank Holiday
30 May – 2 June | BA Design, Animation, Media students install
5 – 9 June | BA Graphics, Animation, Media marking
5 – 14 June | Architecture and Landscape install
12/13 June | BA Design Animation Media re-hang (as required)
15th June | 6.00PM Graduate Show Opening
2nd July | Graduate Show Close
3rd July (2 Weeks of) | Students take down / collect exhibition work
17th July (1 Week) | Tech Team takes down and stores any remaining work
24th July (1 Week) | Contractors take down / make good studio walls
31 July | Summer School
11 September (Term Start) | Deadline for collection of models. Any models still remaing in studio on this date will be disposed / recycled
2nd October | Deadline for collection of portfolios. Any portfolios still remaining in studio on this date will be disposed / recycled