Labs Equipment

When picking up/returning equipment, please do the following:

1. Please book an appointment to pick up/return the equipment by emailing servicedesk ( and mentioning that you need to return equipment to King William. Please mention which equipment you need to return.

2. It may take a couple of days for us to respond with an appointment. It is important that you arrive at the KW116 counter on time, and if you cannot do so, for whatever reason, please let us know. Our contact details are at

3. Please pick up/return the equipment at the appointed time, and when on campus, you will be required to wear a face covering, and adhere to social distancing guidelines (at the time of writing, they are maintaining 1m distance with a face covering). You have been provided with 2 masks by the University, and these should be used.

4. When picking up/returning the equipment, follow any directions shown on signage throughout the campus, and any directions given by staff, as these directions may change according to current guidance at the time. This includes any one-way systems present on campus. You will also need to follow any directions given on the University’s Covid-19 information pages.

5. When you get to the KW116 counter, if returning equipment you need to sanitise both yourselves and the equipment before you hand it back. There will be supplies at the counter to do this. We will also sanitise the equipment.