Contact us

King William Labs

Please visit the support counter in the King William building, room KW116 where a member of the support team will be able to assist you with your enquiry. You can also contact the King William labs support team by phoning 0208 331 8780 or emailing

Virtual desktop and CMS teaching servers

For problems accessing the Virtual Desktop, or servers used in teaching in CMS (web servers, database systems or any issues regarding the Unix/Linux system, please send an email to

The staff at the KW116 support counter may also be able to help with any problems regarding these systems (particularly in the evenings and weekends during term time when your email may not be read until the next working day).

Film & TV support

For questions or enquiries about the TV studios, editing suites etc see the Design Support site, visit the Film & TV team support office 11_B009 in Stockwell Street building 11 or email

Design support

For questions or enquiries regarding the Stockwell Street Design Studios and Workshop, see the Design Support site, speak to the on duty support staff or email