The information on these pages is intended for students studying modules in the School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences who will need to use specialist facilities available to students in the School.
These specialist facilities are mainly based in the King William Building (which is within the grounds of the Old Royal Naval College).
Information on central IT services (Portal, email, Moodle etc) can be found in the Central IT Services section. You may also find the information in the Student IT Booklet useful!
Latest News
Changes to Equipment loaning scheme
As of 1st January 2023, the Computing and Mathematics school, and therefore the King William Labs, have been transferred to the Faculty of Engineering. As such, we will not be able to take equipment bookings from other faculties, including FLAS.
If you are not in the Faculty of Engineering, you will need to contact your own local support team to see what help they can offer.
Transport Strikes
Please note that over the next few weeks, we are expecting strikes affecting both TFL services and National Rail services. Our staff may be adversely affected by this, as some do have to travel on the train, or a TFL service. In the event that this happens, we will be available via Teams, on the virtual counter.
Please note, while we will try to keep any disruption to our services to a minimum, there may still be disruption. If there is, you can always access most of our software remotely
Please see the following page for the latest info from National Rail:
And the following page for info from TFL:
Coronavirus update:
From 4th January, the labs will be open for taught lab sessions and independent study. Please ensure you read and follow the university’s Covid Safe arrangements before visiting the labs. Please check your email and these pages regularly as arrangements and requirements may change at short notice.
Please note: You are advised to wear a mask in all University buildings and vehicles. Please note: This may change to a requirement with little or no notice

King William Labs: Summer Improvement Work
This summer, several labs in King William Building will be upgraded, for example KW103 Forensics Labs, KW102 Gaming Labs and so on.
Be a part of the excitement while we create a whole new look labs, JUST FOR YOU !

Let’s appreciate the amount of paper we have since our King William IT Counter has started going paperless when loaning equipment!
We’ve saved approximately 1,218 pages of paper!
Work remotely:
Visiting Labs:
Please follow our Health and Safety guidelines.
Student Great Deals
Get Your Tech – Laptops and Chromebooks for Student
Technology at student prices to help you make the grade at University or College.