For your convenience, a lot of printers were upgraded to Canon multi functional machines over the summer. Not only the prints are crisp and clean – it is very simple to scan everything now. Scanning is free and the digital copies can be easily sent to your email!
All lab computers are connected to the University’s Multi-Function Devices for printing. There are MFDs in KW103, 116, 118, 215 and 216, although the student can pick up their print at any MFD on the Greenwich Campus. On the system, the machines appear as GM-MFD-PRINT (Black/white) and GM-MFD-PRINT-COLOUR (all colours).
Over the summer, all students received several gifts on their printing accounts and their existing balance was transferred. To top up, please use this link.
In case you need more help with the new machines…
Training videos: Canon Multi-Functional Device Training videos
Quick start guides: Canon Multi-Functional Device User Guides (.pdf)
Email for printing related queries: