Importing to Microsoft Access from Oracle

  1. You must do this first!!!

    First run C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe and under System DSN you will see entries for all of the university’s database servers.

    Afterwards, go back to your already open Microsoft Access database.

    There are two ways to go about this. You can import a whole table, or link to it. Both methods are available by selecting the ‘ODBC Database’ option as shown (located within the ‘Import & Link’ section, under the ‘External Data’ tab).
Screenshot: Connecting to SQL Server

2. Make sure the radio button for ‘Import the source data into a new table in the current database’ is selected, then click the ‘OK’ button

Screenshot: Connecting to SQL Server

Select the appropriate DSN from the list (‘Type’ is system), then click the ‘OK’ button.

Screenshot: Connecting to SQL Server

You might be asked to log in, then do so as necessary and select the table you want to import, then click the ‘OK’ button

The linking method happens in exactly the same as the import method except that in the first step you select the radio button for ‘Link to the data source by creating a linked table’.

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