University of Greenwich’s own Dr Andrew Knight- Hill invites you to the atmospheric ambisonic sound installation with elements of public memorial created by Angus Farquhar of Aproxima Arts with dramaturg Purni Morell, an event starting today and running until 19 September. The event is an outdoor promenade performance taking place on the beach and in the dunes of Lunan Bay and is designed to be enjoyed in a relaxed, socially distant environment. Presented in celebration of Scotland’s Year of Coasts and Waters 20/21 and generously supported by the Scottish Government, EventScotland, Creative Scotland, the William Grant Foundation and the Garfield Weston Foundation.
The University of Greenwich Programme Leader for MA Digital Arts, Jim Hobbs has announced the opening of his exhibition Moribund State[s]from 1st August at Project 78, as the restart of their exhibition programme. The project has been 18 months in the making and is a perfect reflection of the ideology and intention of Project 78. The show will run until 29th August 2020.
For Moribund State(s), Hobbs has returned to his childhood home (Ohio, USA) in order to confront the place where one is originally from. With a perspective that is only gained from a distance (in both time and space), he has gathered indigenous materials in order to forge a series of new works which poetically ascribe a familiar yet foreign place.
Another proud moment for the University of Greenwich and a triumph in current times. The Research project on diversity and inclusivity by design, based in the School of Design and led by Dr Anastasios Maragiannis achieved global recognition by UNESCO partner organisation.
The research is recognised by the prestigious International Institute for Information Design (IIID) awards, which celebrate information designers’ contribution to society. A list of awarded projects can be viewed on IIID website .
The awards, which take place every three years, look for evidence of where designers have applied creativity and design thinking to solve complex communication problems with a view to improving aspects of human life.
Professor Ed Wall proudly tweeted about the amazing work of one of his PhD students, who composed the flip book of The Landscapists AD. The book is available to buy online from Wiley or be accessed via Wiley Online Library. This is a great example of teacher / student collaboration at the University of Greenwich.
One of my amazing PhD students composed this flip book of The Landscapists AD. If you can read fast, enjoy. You can also buy from Wiley or access via Wiley Online Library. Or contact contributors, I am sure they will share their articles 🙂 Love @AD_books.
Last summer Dr Andrew Knight-Hill (School of Design) led a HEIF funded research project to investigate the affordances in new multichannel audio technologies. In partnership with international loudspeaker manufacturer L Acoustics, Dr Knight-Hill assembled a team of world leading sound creatives including sound artist Brona Martin and Hollywood sound designer Paula Fairfield (Game of Thrones, LOST), to interrogate the possibilities available in these novel technologies through artistic research.
“Engineers built them, but do they really understand how these tools can be used?” said Dr Knight-Hill, “often we think of knowledge in-terms of abstract facts, but there are many different ways of understanding the world. By applying creative methodologies to experiment, test possibilities and push their limits, we are able to access deeper understandings of these tools and reveal new possibilities for how they can be used.”
The applied practice methodology engaged world leading artists in the development of immersive sound works which were performed, alongside compositions by undergraduates students on the BA Sound Design programme of the University, to audiences in Highgate at the L Acoustics L-ISA lab.
Potential beneficiaries for this research project include: engineers and developers of multichannel audio systems, post-production sound professionals, student composers engaged in the project and composers and sound artists engaging in multichannel composition.
A documentary crew was able to capture the unique events and interview the project participants. These films are now available online and provide an insight into the exciting new world of immersive hyperreal sound. Another proud moment for the University of Greenwich.
Congratulations to Dr Andrew Knight-Hill for stealing the spotlight!
Watch the films and get immersed in the project here:
Tuesday 28th January 2020, 7pm – StAlfege Church, Greenwich
School of Design and the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences invite you to the next concert in the Loudspeaker Orchestra Concert
Series in the historic St Alfege Church.
Explore Ensemble immerses instruments
and audiences among a live 3D loudspeaker orchestra to present the London
premiere of Natasha Barrett’s ‘Sagittarius A*’ and rare modernist works
reimagined with ambisonic technology .
Explore Ensemble work at the radical frontiers of new music, offering audiences outstanding performances of internationally acclaimed composers, advocating music rarely heard in the UK, and working closely with composers on new works to foster a repertoire for the future. Described as ‘Indefatigably outstanding’, Explore Ensemble have featured at several editions of the Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival while performing alongside the EXAUDI Vocal Ensemble, as well as feature on BBC Radio 3, at London’s Principal Sound Festival, Cafe OTO, Kings Place, the Royal College of Music, and outside of London in Manchester, Leeds, Oxford, and Germany.
The Loudspeaker Orchestra presents
immersive acoustic experiences through programmed concerts of multichannel
sound design, sonic art and electroacoustic music. Regular concerts, featuring
work by international artists alongside students of Sound Design, take place in
and around Greenwich.
musical programme will be complemented with a free glass of wine in the
Tickets are FREE for University of Greenwich students and staff, and £5 for external guests.
The University of Greenwich invites you to the attend the “Phase IV Intersections – Art Architecture” exhibition opening on Wednesday 15th January at the Stephen Lawrence Gallery and Project Space. A drinks reception is scheduled from 6pm, all welcome to attend.
The exhibition brings together projects stemming from HE institutions in England and France that explore interfaces between art and architecture.
Phase IV is the fourth and last of a series of exhibitions led by Benet Spencer and Dr David Ryan from Cambridge School of Art, Anglia Ruskin University. The earlier phases saw collaborations, in February 2018, with Institut Supérieur des Arts Toulouse for Phase II – Imagining Architecture; and, in November 2019, with École Supérieure d’Art et de Design Marseille-Méditerranée for Phase III – le Modulor.
Emmanuelle Castellan; George Charman; Valérie du Chéné; David Coste; Bernice Donszelmann; Flea Folly Architects; Jaime Gili; Olivier Gourvil; Andrew Grassie; Steve Johnson; Chloe Leaper; Mary Maclean; Didier Mencoboni; Suzanne Mooney; Laurent Proux; Tim Renshaw; Felix Robbins; David Ryan; Anna Salamon; Benet Spencer; Aleana Turner; April Virgoe; Daniela Yaneva
Representatives from
University of Greenwich School of Design joined staff students and alumni from
Cambridge School of Art (Anglia Ruskin University) and Marseille Mediterranean
School of Arts and Design (ESADMM) in workshopping and mounting an exhibition
of responses to le Corbusier’s Modulor. The Modulor is a system of scale le
Corbusier devised for his buildings that is based on human proportions, a
perfect example of which is found in his building “Unité d’Habitation” in
Marseille, where many of the visiting exhibitors, including ourselves, stayed.
The resulting exhibition at Hors les Murs Gallery, Marseille opened on 7th – 22nd November. The University of Greenwich is represented by 2019 March graduate Daniella Yaneva, exhibiting a book and animation titled, “Morphogenesis Man inhabiting Apartment 50, Unité d’Habitation, Marseille”.
Daniella Yanev work as it was finally installed The work being installed by the project participants
This month, Ghislaine Boddington, a Reader in Digital Immersion at the University of Greenwich School of Design is helping promote a number of events that explore the convergence of body, data , digital culture and space empower women in technology.