Project lead: David Hockham
Universities should serve the community in which they sit, and theatres should engage with the people outside of its doors.” A mantra at the heat of this project. But how do you serve a community when you do not know what they want?
This is a co-led project, working with Galeforce Productions Universal Ltd, The ROMEL Foundation and Dead Rabbits Theatre Company with performance outputs supported by Greenwich Theatre.
Community is a difficult word to engage with because we are not talking about a singular entity. Woolwich has multiple community groups who identify through nationality. The Indian elder’s group, Caribbean social forum, Chinese and polish communities.
This project begins to think about how we engage with individual voices from different social backgrounds, pair people with others from across groups and find ways to help navigate the local social-political scene whilst joining them with experts from within the university. It joins teaching, research and knowledge exchange whilst allowing us to navigate multiple voices, construct narratives and speak these backs to as wide an audience as possible.
After a Break – Tatiana delievrs a spoken word workshop Tatiana Ellis of the ROMEL foundation talked about her life as a 90’s Rap artist and how she now works in the community using different arts forms David Hockham presenting at the ‘Otherness’ workshop