Tortoise ThinkIn – Why do we fear criminals and love true crime?

Louise Hewitt and Camille Stengel of The School of Law & Criminology were invited to take part in a ThinkIn last week on the topic of why we fear criminals and love true crime.

Tortoise ThinkIn
Miscarriages of justice are, statistically speaking, a rarity.  Violent crime is nasty and cruel. And yet the world of podcasts and documentaries has been revived by the true crime genre, much more so than film or books.  Some say crime stories are social pacifiers, a means of asserting the social order. Others say it’s a way of exploring what we are capable of. What appeals about it?  Does it obscure or illuminate human nature and the way the criminal justice system really works?

3MT – Competition FLAS / University of Greenwich

Judge’s Choice: Harriet Lowe (HSS) – Second language learning and the ‘knack’ for languages: are the rest of us doomed?

People’s Choice: Peter Soar (CMS) – Integrating Structural Mechanics in Microstructure Solidification Modelling

The 3 Minute Thesis competition is always a great event and a fantastic rehearsal for research students to begin to articulate their projects to broader audiences. In the recent heats, our Faculty winners were:

University wide winner for the 3MT – Competition

Receiving her award from Professor Javier Bonet is the People’s Choice winner, Harriet Lowe from the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences.