First Week Impressions Project

First year history students were encouraged to use cameras to record their first impressions of university life either by using the video function or by taking photos. The aim of the project, which has been supported by the Greenwich Connect seed fund, was to evaluate how the use of digital media affects social interaction and transition initially and how this might feed into effective engagement in and contribution to seminars. Additionally, the case studies will be used to inform the understanding of challenges that new History students face and to help the team tailor their First week and subsequent transition activities to more effectively address these challenges.

 Staff Feedback:history 3

“It was a good ice breaker. It got students talking to each other – even if it was only sharing their reticence about the task.”

“The task helped me to find out more about my personal tutees. In particular I noted the attitude of one new student who was intent on finding out the exact remit of the task and what was expected of them. They were clearly anxious and very focused on making a good impression.”

history 2“It helped in a very cursory way to inform tutors about those students who were not finding the “social” aspect of first week very easy. “

“Clearly many students were not confident putting themselves before the camera- photos ok but not so much video.  Confidence building tool possibly?”

“Students clearly preferred taking pictures of activities  = lots at Eltham Palace – by then (Wednesday) you can see the students who were bonding.”

“No noticeable concerns about the potential use of the media files.”

Lessons learnt so far:history 1

The project was successful in terms of connecting students and providing opportunities for networking, however the quality of work that students produced wasn’t what was expected.  To solve this problem in the future and encourage creative thinking about the past and develop greater confidence to express students’ views,  the students will receive clear guidelines as to what is expected of them and how they are to achieve the aims of the task.

Next steps

Cameras will be used next term to create a media rich group presentation on Jack the Ripper.

Equipment used: 5 video capable cameras (Nikon Coolpix)

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