Recently when I joined academia to teach business subjects in Vietnam, I faced challenges in explaining complex theories or concepts in disciplines such as change management and organizational behaviour to undergraduate students with a lack …
Continue readingCategory: Curriculum Development
From “ivory tower” to “real world”: Transforming learning, teaching and research through Living Labs
In the past years, we all witnessed a progressive blurring of the boundaries between universities and their environment. Once depicted through metaphors such as the “ivory tower”, universities are now expected to be “entrepreneurial” and accomplish multiple missions by opening …
Continue readingBeing a Student Researcher – Personal Reflection
Being offered the position of a Student Researcher at the beginning of term 2 initially gave me the opportunity to develop my researcher identity and gain an interdisciplinary insight and understanding of the Higher Education …
Continue readingTNE Roundtable: Connectivity, Cultural Challenges and Partnership Enhancement
Introduction The Learning & Teaching Festival provided an opportunity for our transnational education (TNE) partners in southeast Asia and Europe to share their experiences of delivering our programmes of study during the Covid-19 pandemic. Our …
Continue readingThinking about questions
Questions are at the heart of assessment but how you ask them, the types of questions you ask and the way you ask them can actually get overlooked. There are all sorts of ways that …
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Information Literacy Needs a Role in the Curriculum
Student employability is a top priority for higher education institutions worldwide. Thus many educators are actively seeking ways to improve their teaching practices so that students are not just learning the skills necessary for competency …
Continue readingStudents as producers
Background The “students as producers” concept stems from the wider debate on the purpose of the university and the negative critique of higher education as a dysfunctional entity, in which teaching and research work against each …
Continue readingTransforming creative work in a digital age
Aside from the obvious assertions that people throw easily around noting that we all have to work, and that work will (has?) consume over one-third of our lives, have you really thought about what work …
Continue readingLearner-centred Course Design
Alan Masson visited us last month and gave a lecture explaining the Viewpoints assessment design process. Viewpoints is a highly successful JISC-funded project based at University of Ulster that helps lecturers reflect on and improve the assessment regimes of …
Continue readingThe Role of the Critical Friend in Approval and Review
The content of this post was originally published as a PDF document by Simon Walker and Mark Kerrigan. In October 2010, the university’s Learning and Quality Committee endorsed a proposal to adopt a critical friend …
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