Decision-making under uncertainty: How university students navigate the academic implications of the COVID-19 pandemic challenges

Four ways in which we can collaborate to better support students in their decision-making process. At the 2021 University of Greenwich Teaching and Learning festival, we presented the findings of our research focused on decision-making …

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Are we getting it right? Using an MBA Placement Tutor Snapshot survey during the pandemic to support effective personal tutoring

Introduction The MBA International Business Programme in the Greenwich Business School is a large programme with a predominantly international student cohort. The programme has three intakes – in September, January and April, providing nearly 1,000 …

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Improving onboarding to create an effective transition to university for new students. Case study of a postgraduate taught programme at the University of Greenwich

The onboarding process is essential for the success of students at university: the start to university life and academic study are a unique and challenging experience. The faster a student settles in and learns new systems, the more engaged they become (Grillo & Kim, 2015). During the …

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The value of virtual internships as authentic assessment in developing the future generation of international business and economics graduates

Introduction  Personal and Professional Development (PPD) courses in the Greenwich Business School have long contained employability as a key element. In the department of Economics and International Business (EIB), Professional Practice International Business Economics (PPIBE) was the second-year module, divided into two parts. The first term …

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Using films in teaching business subjects to GenZ: A case study from Vietnam

Recently when I joined academia to teach business subjects in Vietnam, I faced challenges in explaining complex theories or concepts in disciplines such as change management and organizational behaviour to undergraduate students with a lack …

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