Loudspeaker Orchestra Concert Series
Venue: Stephen Lawrence Gallery, University of Greenwich
Date: 25 February 2023
Time: 7pm
Entry: £5, booking is required
A cacophony of rhythmic stutters polarising with brutal deep bass – a performance / installation and interrogation of the artists and gallery space will take place. The gallery is White and the sound is Black corroding noise from the tapestry of Dirty Electronics and abrasive harsh noise, and penetrating glitches of Dushume.
Dushume and Dirty Electronics collaborate and perform with hardware mash-ups and speculative sound circuits, creating work on the fluid Studio Bench: a space where making circuits and performance co-exist. Their “makes” results in a series of short episodic absurd pieces that explores DIYness and Noise.
The performance forms part of the Noise III Exhibition running from the 25 February – 26 March 2023 in the Stephen Lawrence Gallery.