18-20/11: SOUND/IMAGE 22 Festival

Loudspeaker Orchestra Concert Series


The event has already taken place.

Venue: Stockwell Street, University of Greenwich

Date: 18-20 November  2022


  • Festival (3-day) pass: £50, £25 students
  • Day pass (Saturday or Sunday): £25, £15 students
  • Individual Loudspeaker Orchestra Concert (Trevor Wishart and KMRU): £5
  • Workshops*: £75, £50 students

Greenwich SOUND/IMAGE festival presents a series of exhibitions, workshops, talks and activities showcasing leading audio-visual art that investigates relationships between sound and image. The University has hosted a SOUND/IMAGE conference since 2015, inviting international world-leading artists to share their work and practice, in an open and accessible environment.

This festival brings together artists and experts exploring the relationship between sounds and images, and the images which sounds can construct by themselves. Engaging in a rich complementary programme of talks, screenings, loudspeaker orchestra concerts and workshops – we hope to stimulate discussion, debate and to engage diverse perspectives and new insights on sound and audiovisual practice.

Featuring special guests: Nina Hartstone (Oscar Winning Sound Editor), Trevor Wishart (Electroacoustic Composer), George Vlad (Sound Designer and Recordist) and KMRU (Sound Artist).

Take part in workshops, concerts and talks, visit our exhibitions and explore a diversity of audio-visual practices.

For further information on the festival please click here.