Value-Added (VA) Scores & Attainment Gaps: An Empirical Analysis using University PAS (Planning & Statistics) Data

Mahkameh Ghanei and Francesco Guidi


According to UK Government’s data, the attainment gaps for undergraduate degree classification in the UK by ethnicity & gender still shows biased towards black and ethnic minority groups.  Studies highlighting these differences due to various factors including ethnicity (Richardson, 2018; Arday & Mirza 2018).  In recent years number of solutions have been put forward by developing innovative pedagogy such as Team-Based Learning (TBL) (Cagliesi & Ghanei, 2021).

As we can see in figure 1, during academic year 2020-21, the best performed group of students were Whites as 39.4% of the obtained first class degree, and the Blacks with 20% were the lowest group achieving first class degree.  In addition, the Black students scored higher level of lower second- and third-degree classifications (32.9%). 

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