UK Data Archive

We now have access to the UK Data Archive (UKDA). The UK Data Archive is a centre of expertise in data acquisition, preservation, dissemination and promotion and is curator of the largest collection of digital data in the social sciences and humanities in the UK. Founded in 1967, it now houses several thousand datasets of interest to researchers in all sectors and from many different disciplines.

To access the resource, log into the portal:

Select the
My Learning / Learning support page

In the Search the Library portlet select the Online databases and academic journals link

On the next page the resources are listed alphabetically.

Select the letter ‘U’ in the alphabetical summary or scroll down in the list and select UK Data Archive.

Click on the Data link and then Login

Choose Login via UK Federation

You will be re-directed to the UK Federation ‘where are you from’ institutional list. Scroll down to select University of Greenwich from the list before proceeding to the e-resource.

Note: You may be required to login again to the university portal in a new window to access the resource. Previous users are required to re-register at the start of each academic year.