Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) is showcasing a series of events in the coming year in collaboration with SUUG. All students and staff are welcome.
Showcase 1
Let’s debate! To kick-start the event of the year, in collaboration with Student Union, we would like you to join us on:
Thursday 17th December 5.00 – 6.30 pm
King William 315. Greenwich Campus
Share your experiences positive or negative on the topic of ‘Equality, Diversity and Inclusion’ as part of our ‘Open Debate’ with a panel of student and staff members. Unable to come along? Send us your comments. Refreshments will be available.
Register your attendance: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/showcase-1-lets-debate-tickets-19780398705
Showcase 2
EDI Strategy Launch 27th January 2016, 12 noon to 5.30pm in Queen Anne Room 180 followed by drinks reception and international buffet. This will be an event marking the launch of the first University of Greenwich the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Strategy
Your opportunity to ‘Showcase’ and reflect upon best practice of student and staff initiatives and activities across the characteristics of age, gender, race, gender identity, disability, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, marriage and civil partnership, religion and belief (non-belief) and as carers of relative or friends.
The message will be to understand how current university practices and processes is linked to equality, diversity and inclusion work and that together we can achieve best practice and deliver better services to all students and staff at the university.
There will be internal and external key speakers (TBC) on the day with stalls and stands in the shared area.
The opening address will be delivered by Professor David Maguire. The event will be chaired by Chief Operating Officer, Anne Poulson. More information will be available nearer the date.
Register you attendance https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/equality-diversity-and-inclusion-edi-strategy-launch-tickets-19778193108
What we would like from you:
• Examples of best practice in your service/area linked to the characteristics of EDI. It is an opportunity for you to ‘Showcase’ on the 27th January either through you being a key speaker or by having a stall/table or both. Contact c.clark@gre.ac.uk
• We are looking to re-brand the University EDI Logo and ask for submissions by students and staff by 11th January 2016. The new EDI logo will be used on all future University of Greenwich EDI marketing and promotional material.
1st Prize £75 2nd Prize £50 3rd Prize £25
EDI Logo Brief:
A visual logo only. Your own original design. Strong visual colours (consider those who may have visual impairment or colour blindness) A very brief strapline. All submissions to c.clark@gre.ac.uk by 11th January 2016.
Are you interested in becoming part of the judging panel? (To meet on the week of 11th January 2016) Contact c.clark@gre.ac.uk .
Showcase 3.
Diversity Fair Week March 2016 To be announced
Showcase 4.
To finish of the academic year, One Day Equality Fair 20th May 2016 Queen Anne Court. Further information will be announced next year.
Email with your interest to either attend, speaker/hold a stall or being part of the debate on 17th December.
Kind regards
Claire W. Clark
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Manager