Open Access Week – #ThesisThursday!

Welcome to #ThesisThursday, an event being held as part of Open Access Week, led by the British Library. Follow @EthosBL today or the hashtag #ThesisThursday to see what is going on!

Last year the University of Cambridge released a scanned copy of Steven Hawking’s PhD thesis in celebration of the day, and this year a number of other universities are taking up the baton, including the University of Manchester, who plan to digitise and release Professor Brian Cox’s thesis. We will be watching the hashtag #ThesisThursday on Twitter and will retweet some of the most exciting theses being released today!

The British Library has records of all theses completed in the UK, going back decades, including from the University of Greenwich in a system called EThOS. It has more than 500,000 records from 120 institutions going back to at least 1800! It even has access to full text for more than half of them!

For more information on using EThOS, or finding theses and dissertations elsewhere, including internationally, visit our LibGuide!