Sian Moore, Calvin Burns, Nigel Carter, Christina Clamp, Wesley Martin, Eklou Amendah
Continue readingCategory: Public service workers
Transport for London: Public Ownership and Democratic Operation
Closing the GPG in public services in the context of austerity
EU Social Dialogue project VS/2018/0074: Closing the GPG in the public sector in the context of austerity, involving a partnership between Fondazione ADAPT/ADAPT Foundation; Stredoeurópsky inštitút pre výskum práce/Central European Labour Studies Institute (CELSI); Centre …
Continue readingSafe Jobs in the Circular Economy. Health and Safety in Waste and Waste-Water Management
by Vera Weghmann
Continue readingRecruitment and Retention in Social Services: Unlocking the sector’s recruitment potential
Jane Lethbridge
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