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Weghmann, V. and Hall, D. (January 2021) The unsustainable political economy of investor–state dispute settlement mechanisms. International Review of Administrative Sciences. https://gala.gre.ac.uk/id/eprint/32717/
Lobina, E., Weghmann, V. and Nicke, K. ( March 2021) Water remunicipalisation in Paris, France and Berlin, Germany.City of Barcelona, Spain and Aqua Publica Europea https://gala.gre.ac.uk/id/eprint/31646/3/31646%20LOBINA_et_al_Water_Remunicipalisation_in_Paris_%28PSIRU%29_2021.pdf
Weghmann, V. (October 2021) Remunicipalisation in Germany.Rosa Luxemburg Foundation (published, in German) https://www.rosalux.de/publikation/id/45138/daseinsvorsorge-und-rekommunalisierung
Lobina, E.and Weghmann, V. 2021. Commentary: the perils and promise of inter-paradigmatic dialogues on remunicipalisation. Journal of Economic Policy Reform 24(3): 398-404 (https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17487870.2020.1810473
Weghmann, V. (2020) Taking our Public Services Back in House. A Remunicipalisation Guide for Workers and Trade Unions. Public Services International. Download report
Weghmann, Vera (2020) Safe Jobs in the Circular Economy. Health and Safety in Waste and Waste-Water Management. EPSU. Download report
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Lethbridge, Jane and Ainley, Patrick (2020), The COVID-19 Crisis and the Future of Tertiary Education: A Green Paper, Unpublished.
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Weghmann, Vera (2019), Going Public: A Decarbonised, Affordable and Democratic Energy System for Europe, EPSU. (doi: https://www.epsu.org/article/going-public-decarbonised-affordable-and-democratic-energy-system-europe-new-epsu-report)
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Lobina, Emanuele , Weghmann, Vera, Marwa, Marwa (2019), Water justice will not be televised: Moral advocacy and the struggle for transformative remunicipalisation in Jakarta, Water Alternatives Association. pp. 725-748 1965-0175 (Online) (doi: http://www.water-alternatives.org/index.php/alldoc/articles/vol12/v12issue3/534-a12-2-17) Published.
Lethbridge, Jane (2019), The case for a National Care Service, Unpublished
Hall, David and Weghmann, Vera (2019), Public ownership, benefits and compensation I: benefits of nationalisation of UK water and energy girds and legal and economic issues in determining compensation, PSIRU. (doi: https://ecpr.eu/Filestore/PaperProposal/16d1041d-ba93-46dc-b894-977a3fa9b698.pdf) Published.
Hall, David and Weghmann, Vera (2019), Public ownership, benefits and compensation II: Pension funds and employee ownership of water and energy grid companies, PSIRU. Published.
Hall, David and Weghmann, Vera (2019), Public ownership, benefits and compensation III: the potential risk of legal action under BITs or ECT over compensation for nationalisation of water and energy grid companies, PSIRU. Published.
Lobina, Emanuele (2019), For another idea of efficiency in the water sector, University of Greenwich. (doi: https://www.gre.ac.uk/events/current-events/faculty-of-business/ISRF-PSIRU-seminar-on-Another-public-vs.-private-debate-is-necessary-Water-and-other-public-services-13-06-2018-1577456) Published.
Weghmann, Vera and Lobina, Emanuele (2018), Water Renationalisation in Cameroon 2018, Public Services International. (doi: https://www.world-psi.org/sites/default/files/attachment/news/cameroon_water_renationalised_psiru_brief_may_2018.pdf)
Weghmann, Vera and Van Niekerk, Sandra (2018), Municipal solid waste management services in Africa and Arab countries, PSI. (doi: http://www.world-psi.org/en/municipal-solid-waste-management-services-africa-and-arab-countries)
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Lethbridge, Jane (2017), Municipal Solid Waste Management Services in Latin America, Public Services International (PSI). Published.
Lethbridge, Jane (2017), Privatisation of migration and refugee services and other forms of state disengagement, Public Services International (PSI). (doi: http://www.world-psi.org/sites/default/files/documents/research/final_psi_epsu_psiru_privatisation_of_migration_and_refugee_services.pdf) Published.
Lethbridge, Jane (2017), Recruitment and Retention in Social Services: Unlocking the sector’s recruitment potential, Social Services Europe. (doi: https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/9f45fc_2f94e25a4d6f44b0804cd9d92f01a9e5.pdf) Published.