We conduct projects on issues related to vulnerable children, young people and families. Our current projects are focussed on COVID-19 and children’s views of coronavirus and return to school.

If you represent an organisation (private, NGO, charity, school or other) and are interested in collaboration on a project, please contact us.

The centre hosts two clusters: Cluster for the Study and Play and Recreation and Youth Wellbeing Theme.

Cluster for the Study of Play and Recreation has expertise in multi-disciplinary approaches to childhood, youth studies and education. It links theory and fieldwork in all aspects of play and recreation, from infancy to old age, across cultures and nations. 

The cluster is headed by Dr Mary Claire Martin

For more details click here: 


The Youth Wellbeing Theme builds on research conducted over the past fifteen years looking at children and adolescents’ behaviour and attitudes. Current and on-going research focuses on children’s attitudes towards debt, environmental behavior and sustainability and cultural differences in understanding and provision for antisocial behavior in schools.

Current and previous research work has included funded projects in London, Kent and South-East England as well as with partners in national and international organisations. Researchers have well-established research links with local partners, across the UK, Europe and worldwide (including France, Spain, Latin America, Australia, Africa and China).

The cluster is co-led by Professor Pam Maras and Dr Amy Moon.