Are we getting it right? Using an MBA Placement Tutor Snapshot survey during the pandemic to support effective personal tutoring

Introduction The MBA International Business Programme in the Greenwich Business School is a large programme with a predominantly international student cohort. The programme has three intakes – in September, January and April, providing nearly 1,000 students across the academic year. At the recent Learning and Teaching Festival, we discussed a… Continue reading

Improving onboarding to create an effective transition to university for new students. Case study of a postgraduate taught programme at the University of Greenwich

The onboarding process is essential for the success of students at university: the start to university life and academic study are a unique and challenging experience. The faster a student settles in and learns new systems, the more engaged they become (Grillo & Kim, 2015). During the Covid-19 pandemic many HE educators have faced deteriorations in incoming students’ engagement levels (McKie 2020). A few key factors have contributed to this such as the use of online platforms and reduction in or… Continue reading

Coaching in post-pandemic HE organisations – by default or by design?

Where did we start?   All three authors were keen to work together on ‘something to do with coaching’ – Anna had started to re-shape and re-energise the University’s Coaching Network; Julia was studying for her L7 Executive Coaching Supervision qualification and Irene was writing her MA dissertation on the evaluation of coaching. All the stars aligned and… Continue reading

Development of novel teaching aids to support inclusive science learning

This work is supported by the Vice Chancellor’s Learning & Teaching Project Fund 2020-21. The year 2021 marks 60 years since the invention of the piston action pipette that has allowed scientists to develop some of the world’s most important modern scientific discoveries including diagnostic tests and medicines for diseases.  … Continue reading

Hyflex Teaching Experiences at the University of Greenwich

This blog will share an interview I had with two colleagues from the Faculty of Education, Health & Human Sciences: Lee Jagodzinski (Academic Lead for Simulation) and Charles Everard (Clinical Skills/Technical Learning Resources Manager). Both Lee and Charles have extensive experience of delivering Hyflex teaching to Health Science students based on… Continue reading

Using Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) Studio as a virtual webcam – a basic setup tutorial to overcome technical restrictions in MS Teams and Panopto

This software will be of interest to teaching staff who are already confident users of MS Teams and Panopto. A full list of the University’s essential, supported and approved tools is available here. Moving our teaching online has ushered in a wide range of changes to how we deliver our… Continue reading

Inclusive curriculum design and curriculum co-creation as responses to the HE diversity challenge

A mix of established trends in the HE sector notably widening participation and internationalisation combined with the more recent introduction of a teaching quality audit in the form of the Teaching Excellence Framework has heightened focus on the factors that may underpin retention and attainment gaps between different groups of… Continue reading

Review of Dave P. Thomas & Suhraiya Jivraj, eds. Towards Decolonising the University: A Kaleidoscope for Empowered Action (Oxford: Counterpress, 2020)

This book’s publication is timely: the murder of George Floyd in May 2020 acted as a catalyst for the intensification of many mass movements in search of racial justice in the USA, UK and beyond. Protests and campaigns spurred many institutions, including the University of Greenwich, to release ‘Black Lives… Continue reading

Mentimeter: Empowering presenters and students in online teaching

We have recently seen the number of users of Mentimeter breach the 1,000 mark. That the numbers of colleagues (and students) creating presentations is still increasing is testament, we believe, to the flexibility of Mentimeter as a tool to support engagement and indeed empowerment even where teaching has been increasingly… Continue reading

‘Move fast and break things’ – Breakouts before breakout rooms: a wish list and lessons learned

I decided to experiment with breakout rooms in Teams some weeks ago, in mid-October 2020.  It was clear that large group tutorials would not be the right forum for the activity we planned – short, individual presentations.  The official Teams release of breakout rooms was not available yet, so we… Continue reading