2014 Alan Villiers Memorial Lecture Essay Competition

The Editors of British Naval History are pleased to announce the 2014 Alan Villiers Memorial Lecture Essay Competition, with the support of the Society for Nautical Research, the Naval Review, and the Britannia Naval Research Association. The AVML Essay Competition is designed with four goals:

1) To encourage the study of maritime and naval history at the Postgraduate level.

2) To provide an opportunity for Postgraduate students to publish a mid-length academic research paper.

3) To provide an opportunity for Postgraduate students to become known to, and involved with, several non-University naval and maritime history research associations.

4) To provide an opportunity for graduate students to communicate, and receive feedback on, the current form of their argument or analysis.

For further details, please go to http://www.britishnavalhistory.com/2014-alan-villiers-memorial-lecture-essay-competition/