MArch Architecture

MArch Architecture [ARB/RIBA Part II]

2 years full-time / 3 years part-time

MArch Units 2023-24

MArch Units 2022-23

 Image: Evie Summerhayes

The MArch Architecture course is for graduates of architecture with ARB/RIBA Part 1 who wish to gain exemption from ARB/RIBA Part 2. Our aim is to prepare students for the complexities of contemporary architectural practice by providing a rich mix of rigorous academic and professional teaching. All students choose a Design Unit in which to undertake their project work – each Unit has a different specialism and is led by a highly experienced team.

 Image: Yan Tung Yen Poon

The first year of the course starts by developing advanced skills in urban design and digital representation that can be applied to a major building project in conjunction with a professionally mentored ‘Design Realisation’ technical report. Additionally, students are exposed to current theoretical trends that form the basis for ambitious speculations on contemporary architecture.

Image: Anouschka Tang

The second year of study takes the aspirations of the students work to a higher level of professional and academic engagement. An integrated advanced architectural design project and specialist theoretical and/or technological thesis are developed with respect to the students own interests and passions.

The part-time mode is intended for students working in a supportive architectural practice and requires attendance two days a week over three years.

Image: Paul Tatsumi Walker


Archived Briefs

MArch Units 2021-22

MArch Units 2020-21

MArch Units 2019-20

MArch Units 2018-19

MArch Units 2017-18

MArch Units 2016-17